Uganda for Jesus

This January I had the privilege of traveling to Uganda for the first time. It was also a first for stepping onto the continent of Africa, and I have to say that I will never be the same.

After thirty hours of travel, we still had to crash at for a few hours of sleep before we needed to be back at the airport in Kampala, Uganda for our bush plane flight to the far western border near the Congo. The extensive forty hours of travel time to get there were surprisingly full of grace and were worth the long flights and lack of sleep because God had called us there.

I was traveling with my Father-In-Law and pastor Tim Atchley of Harvest Church where I also serve as an elder. We were traveling to the near center of Africa because God had opened a door for the good news of the gospel to be planted and watered among a network of Churches in Kasesse. What began as a planning trip for a future major outreach and pastors conference in May turned into a back to back ministry opportunity in which we were able to minister to over 400 pastors and to a packed mountain side church.

Before we had left for the trip, the Holy Spirit had spoken to me that I was going to see a lion on my trip to Uganda. Little did I know that the Lion that He was speaking about was the Lion of the tribe of Judah living and breathing among the people of Uganda.

We were driven up a long rocky road to dodging motorcyclists that somehow always seem to get out of the way at the last moment until we finally arrived at a mountain side school building. As we walked to approach to approach the school with open windows you could hear a sound… a beautiful sound… rising in passionate pleas—saturating the air as you got closer and closer. It was the sound of 400+ pastors and believers crying out to the living God for a move of God to sweep their communities.

It was then the Holy Spirit reminded me… this is the Lion I told you you would see. It was the roar of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah rising from within the hearts of these precious brothers and sisters.

We preached the good news of the New Covenant Gospel, of how Jesus has paid in full for us to be made righteous in God’s sight… the good news that when we believe in Him, He gives us His very righteousness as a free gift. This opens the door for the free movement of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

The hunger to receive this Gospel is so alive in these Ugandan churches and God touched them powerfully in our time with them.

We are partnering with these leaders to Host a city wide outreach crusade and pastors conference in May 2024 when we will return. They are expecting over 2000 pastors in May from many nations across Africa to come and be quipped and also see this city impacted. They are expecting one 15,000 to come out to the outdoor outreach in the evenings.

Our time in January was a preparation for our return with a larger team in May. What also touched me powerfully is how generous the people were there. Even in the midst of considerable lack in comparison to what we are use to America, the brothers and sisters gave generously and sacrificially toward the event in May.

There is a warmth and welcoming among the people that is so refreshing. Their hunger to see God move powerfully in their nation is convicting. It is a joy that we get to partner together in this effort to see Jesus magnified among the nations.

We were welcomed into homes to enjoy meals given to us as we discussed the Lord and His goodness. There are no boundaries to what God is able to do when we step out in faith.

I am thankful for the new friends that I have made in this beautiful place and am greatly anticipating coming back in May to see God move in even more powerful ways. Uganda for Jesus!!

We were also fortunate enough to have one day off from ministry and were able to travel to do a safari in Queen Elizabeth National Park not more than forty minutes drive away. The pastor who is coordinating the outreach had lived there his whole life and had never been able to go on safari. We were able to bring him with us to see more of the beauty of his country. He was thrilled to join us.

As an artist as well, the sights and sounds of the African wild are simply breathtaking. My favorite part was the abundance of tropical and wild looking birds that accompanied our drive through the bush. What a feast for the senses!

We were fortunate enough to be able to spot a leopard! Which if not for the guide, we would never have spotted it. It was sitting in the grass just twenty feet away and completely invisible. We waited and waited until finally it stood up and seemingly magically appeared! As it lay back in the grass, it simply disappeared. It makes you think twice before taking a stroll in the grass.

The abundance of wildlife was breathtaking and it is hard to believe it was right there in front of you. This country is incredible. The life that flows within the churches is also just as beautiful and God is weaving a powerful story of His glory flowing through the nations.

Uganda…I will see you in May!